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Fun & Creativity

Expressive Art & Design

Children will have fun singing songs, making music and dancing, and experimenting with ways of changing sounds using different types of materials including instruments. Children will be encouraged to safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colours, design and texture. Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about the importance of the use and purpose of Expressive, arts and design. Children represent their own creative ways, thoughts and feelings through expressing their design and technology, art, music, dance, imaginatination and stories.

Personal, Social, Emotional Development

This stage of development is one of three of the Prime areas, Personal, social, emotional development (PSED). Children will be encouraged to play cooperatively and take turns with others when playing fun educational social games with others, speaking and listening or even choosing. Children take into account one another’s creative ways about how to organise their activity. Children will show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings as they express their ideas, and form positive relationships with adults and other children. Children will play through purposeful activities to develop their confidence. This would be planned by the Early Years Educators such as show and tell, mark-making, physical movements or art creation they have made. This encourages children to say why they like or dislike particular activities more than others. Children will have opportunities to confidently speak in a familiar group, share their ideas, and can choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. Children say when they do or don’t need help. Children can talk about how they and others feel, talk about their own and other's behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. This can be expressed through activities such as circle time. Children will work as part of a group or class and understand and follow the rules (British Values). With this, children can adjust their behaviour to different situations and make changes in routine in their stride.

Physical Development 

Our main focus is the Prime areas, physical development (PD) is one of the areas where we promote moving and handling through a range of activities to enhance their coordination in large and small movements, as well as their health and self-care by children being encouraged to understand the importance of good health through exercise, oral hygiene and healthy eating. At Snuggle Bunnies Childcare (Nursery), we encourage children's independence by allowing them to dress up and go to the toilet independently. 


Literacy is one of four specific areas of learning. The childminder and assistant encourage the children to develop and enhance their literacy skills by reading and writing and provide quiet spaces with a variety of resources, such as dual language books and much more. Snuggle Bunnies Childcare (Nursery) promote the use of phonics (initial sounds and more if appropriate for the development of the child) as a method to support children to read on their own as this demonstrates the sound of spoken language and letters of written language. 


Numeracy (specific area) will help children's skills such as problem-solving, number understanding and using space, shapes and measure. We will be using maths to support children to count and spatial awareness, this allows us to use a range of opportunities to practice new or underdeveloped concepts to create new understanding and knowledge for children of all ages. Children can discover and learn maths through songs and nursery rhymes and/ or including counting games and stories.  

Understanding the World

Understanding the world (specific area) guides children to make sense of the world around them and their community. We provide plenty of opportunities for children to explore, discover and observe to find out about the key aspects of the world, technology and the community.

Communication & Language

Communication and Language is one of the Prime areas. Children listen attentively in a range of situations. They listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. Children give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.

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